Clickbank Stats App for iPhone

Clickbank Stats for the iPhone and iPod Touch

What is ClickBank Stats?

ClickBank Stats is an application for iPhone and iPod touch users which enables you to check your ClickBank earnings on your device.

It eliminates the need to open a browser and type in your ClickBank login every time you want to check your sales data. Instead, ClickBank Stats logs in automatically, fetches your sales stats and displays it nicely on your device along with some cool graphs.

What about my ClickBank username and password are they safe ?

Yes. ClickBank Stats communicates directly with ClickBank servers via HTTPS secure protocol. Your login credentials are being stored on your device only, and sent only to ClickBank.

What network access do I need?

CB Stats works with all types of network access that your device can handle.
The loading of the stats shouldn't take more then 10 seconds whether you are using Edge, 3G or dsl/adsl or other broad band access via Wi-Fi.

You can download the ClickBank Stats App by clicking:
CB Stats


  1. Have you checked out the new iPhone Clickbank application called FlickBank? Its FREE

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