When Apple launched the iPhone 3G, they dropped the price on the 8GB model to what I felt was a very reasonable $199. Many folks complained that the price should be cheaper however, suggesting $99 or perhaps even free with a carrier subsidy.
Interestingly enough, it's not just the consumer that is suggesting the price needs an adjustment. Research by Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty indicates that iPhone sales were half as strong in September and October when compared to July and August. To increase sales, Huberty has stated that Apple should take heed to the current rumors and cut the price in half to $100. She believes that this strategy could double iPhone sales without any negative effect on profits because of the data subsidy from AT&T.
So what do you think? Is the $199 iPhone still too expensive? What price is fair and attractive?
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Kogan Agora Release Date is January 29.... 2009